Where Mosquitoes & Ticks Hide and How to Get Rid of Them

Isn’t it crazy when something so small can be so completely annoying?

First we have mosquitoes. They buzz about in a whisper, but their bites cause itchy welts that are sometimes larger than the pests themselves.

Then, there are ticks. Those dark, looming pests that don’t announce themselves as boldly as mosquitoes do, but are just as frustrating.

When you find them on your clothes or just beneath your skin, you panic. These bugs carry some pretty scary diseases in addition to being just plain creepy.

Despite their small stature, we run screaming back indoors when we get attacked by mosquitoes or ticks. It’s not wimpy; these pests are no fun, and you just want to enjoy beautiful summer nights outdoors. We don’t blame you.

But if you can get a better handle on understanding where mosquitoes hide and where ticks hide, you might find your backyard can feel like a safe haven again.

Let’s look at some common places where mosquitoes and ticks hang out and how you can get rid of them and take back your patio time, fetch games with Fido, tag with the kids, and even sunset relaxation time.

The Dangers of Ticks and Mosquitoes in Northern Virginia

Both mosquitoes and ticks are pretty active in Northern Virginia once temperatures begin to warm up, which is why mosquito and tick control is so important.

Most mosquitoes survive in temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This means mosquito season usually starts in April in Virginia.

When it comes to the majority of bites, though, Asian tiger mosquitoes are the biggest biters in our area. But when it comes to disease, West Nile Virus is the most common virus spread in this region.

Ticks come out in Virginia even sooner than mosquitoes – in March. Blacklegged or deer ticks, which are potential carriers of Lyme disease, are also active on warm, winter days when temperatures are above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Tick season lasts through October.

According to the Virginia Department of Health, the northern counties in the state report the highest tick density.

In addition to deer ticks, Northern Virginia residents see Lone Star ticks and American dog ticks. And Lyme disease isn’t the only disease they carry; those bitten by ticks are also at risk of Rocky Mountain fever and ehrlichiosis.

Being concerned about both mosquitoes and ticks and where they hide is well warranted. The Centers for Disease Control reports that positive disease cases from mosquitoes and ticks have tripled in the last 13 years. Virginia has been one of the hardest hit states when it comes to tick-borne illnesses. In fact, it’s on the top 10 list of states with this problem.

The above points, of course, are the most serious threats these two small but dominant pests can bring. But they are also major nuisances. Instead of relaxing and enjoying your yard, you’re constantly swatting at bugs and soaking yourself in mosquito and tick repellent. At some point, enough is enough.

Let’s look at where mosquitoes and ticks hide in your yard so you can better eliminate their hangouts and take back your landscape.

Where Do Mosquitoes and Ticks Hide Outside?

No one wants to think about the constant threats that are in your backyard.

Unfortunately, ticks and mosquitoes make this true. And since they are so small, there are quite a few mosquito and tick hiding places in your home landscape.

Here are some of their regular gathering spots you should be aware of.

Tall Grasses and Lawn Areas

Mosquitoes and ticks like to hide, so you normally won’t find them just basking in the sun in a wide, open area.

But they may still go there. For instance, if your grass is unkept, weedy, or excessively tall, mosquitoes and ticks will certainly be able to hide there. And ticks may go there if they travel on wild animals like deer, rabbits, squirrels, and rodents.

This is why mosquito and tick control in your lawn or grassy areas is important. Keeping your lawn and grassy areas trimmed and maintained can also help keep these insect populations from hanging out there as often.

Piles and Other Places to Hide

Mosquitoes and ticks love to hide in darker, cooler, danker places. And if you look around your property, you’ll see some of these naturally pile up.

Resting under plant leaves, hanging near leaf piles, flitting around wood piles, moving around stone walls, lurking under decks. These bugs can be in any of these convenient mosquito and tick hiding places.

In fact, anywhere a mouse or rodent would hide, mosquitoes and ticks will hide, too.

Eliminate these common bug hangouts by limiting them: rake up leaf piles, trim overgrown shrubs, and keep wood piles further from your home or patio.

Near Standing Water

When it comes to mosquito and tick hiding places, water is also on the list.

Mosquitoes, particularly, spend their first dozen days in water, using organic matter to progress through their life cycles from pupae to stinging adults.

Water can stand and become stagnant in a lot of places: plant pots, bird baths, pet bowls, pool covers etc. Unfortunately, mosquitoes don’t need that much room, so even things as small as bottle caps can be breeding grounds.

Eliminating standing pools of water can help you keep these pests from adding more troops to their army. When it comes to things like bird baths, refreshing the water often can also help.

Make sure to clean out gutters to prevent them from collecting water as well.

Your Property Edges

Your lawn and landscape may be well-kept and properly manicured to keep mosquitoes and ticks away. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t lurking at your property edges.

Let’s say your property backs up to a wooded area. This makes them prime mosquito and tick hiding places. And then once you and your pets walk through them, they become potential meals for these pests.

These areas are ideal for mosquito and tick control to keep these bugs from hanging to close to you, your family members, or your pets.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes and Ticks in Your Yard

As you plan to eliminate mosquito and tick hiding places, you may also want to do the most you can to protect you and your family from being harassed by these dangerous pests and the diseases they carry.

In addition to the tips we provided above, remember to wear long sleeves and pants when working in areas that are more well-known to harbor these pests. For your pets, you want to follow tips your veterinarian provides to ensure they are safe.

Applying a mosquito and tick control is a great way to keep these bugs from continuing to annoy and threaten you in your yard.

We like to use an organic mosquito and tick product to prevent these pests from taking refuge in your yard or using it to breed more pests.

We use cedar oil, which forces mosquitoes and ticks off of your property. We like to apply the product in April through November with 12 applications – one approximately every 3 weeks. This maintains a protective barrier against mosquitoes and ticks, and since it’s a natural product it’s also safe for family and pets.

Since mosquitoes and ticks have quite a few hiding places, we like to make sure we spray certain areas specifically. They include:

  • The lawn and grassy areas
  • Areas in your landscape that are common mosquito and tick hiding places, including near playgrounds/playsets, under decks, in shrubs, near your home foundation, in perimeter plantings, near your patio, and in ornamental trees and shrubs
  • Before big parties or outdoor entertainment plans

Work With a Professional to Eliminate Mosquito and Tick Problems From Your Yard

You didn’t invite mosquitoes and ticks to your yard. So you don’t need to let them hang out and play and cause all kinds of trouble.

Now that you know where they like to buzz about, you can take steps to reduce their populations near your home, family, and loved ones, including any outdoor pets.

As you check each tip off of the list, you might be scratching your head wondering why you’re still itching from mosquito bites and finding ticks on your dog as you bring him back inside.

It’s okay; these pests are extremely persistent. You may just need a little more help to keep them away.

If you live in Northern Virginia, give Turf’s Up a call so we can bring the reinforcements with our reliable mosquito and tick control services.

You can let our experts handle inspecting your yard and finding mosquito and tick hangouts and offering recommendations, as well as applying our natural cedar oil product to ensure you feel safer in more ways than one.

Not only will our service eliminate these pests, but you can rest assured the product won’t hurt anyone on your property. You feel good making an organic, smart choice.

When you love your yard and you just want to relax outside during the summer, nothing spoils your party more than mosquitoes and ticks. A company that cares about you and wants to give you a safer, effective control option is the best way to take back your landscape.

Eliminate stress and worry about these pests and the diseases they carry for good and get ready for prime patio time.

Ready to learn why Turf’s Up could be your totally awesome choice for mosquito control services in Purcellville, Waterford, and Round Hill, VA? We’re stoked to learn more about you and help you eliminate your mosquito problem once and for all. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we can prepare a customized plan that is perfect for you and your yard.

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